中医辨证分型中药内服、外用治疗15例儿童股骨头缺血性坏死。通过 X线检查,股骨头骨骺的坏死骨吸收,骨裂消失,新骨形成,总有效率达86.7%。治法简单有效,体现中医辨证论治的特色。
The TCM differentiation with oral and external using herbs,was used for treating 15cases of ischemic necrosis of femoral head in children.The exam of X—ray showed that,after the treat-ment,the sequester of femoral head epiphysis was sucked up,the bone—crack disapeared and the newbone formed.The total effective rate was 87.1%.The therapy was simple but embodied the feature ofTCM.
Journal of Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine