采用 BSG 法,研究了6个茶树品种花蕾的染色体 C-带。结果表明,各品种多数染色体皆具有着丝点带,只有少数染色体同时具有端带或中间带。各品种染色体 C-带有不同的特征,主要表现在带纹的有无,位置和宽狭上。每个品种的同源染色体间的带纹亦存在一定的差异。本文还对不同作者对茶树染色体 C-带研究结果上的差异和品种间 C-带带纹的差异原因、研究 C-带的意义,以及研究的方法和应注意的问题进行了讨论。
The C-bands of flower bud chromosomes in six tea cultivars werestudied by the BSG banding method.Results indicated that there werecentromeric bands in most chromosomes of tea cultivars and telomere bandsor intercalary bands in a few chromosomes.The C-banding characte-ristics of the chromosomes from different cultivars were distinctive,mainly on the existence,the location and the width of the bands.The C-banding characteristics of homologous chromosomes in each cultivars werealso different at some extent.The reasons of the differences in the C-banding patterns among the studied cultivars and among various paperswere explained.
Journal of Tea Science