

Clinical Observation of Mocibustion Treatment in Hyperlipemia
摘要 本文收集脑血管意外后遗症并伴有高血脂者50例,其中以贴敷艾炷灸法(简称贴敷灸)30例为实验组.并以西药治疗20例为对照组进行疗效比较。实验组按中医分型、辨证择穴.采用风池、内关、曲池、足三里、三阴交、太冲、中脘、丰隆、肝俞、肾俞、行间、侠溪为基本穴进行贴敷灸治疗:每穴2壮,每天一次,20次为一疗程,并与口服山楂降脂片、谷维素等药物治疗的患者,进行对照性的研究。实验结果提示:1、贴敷灸能使高水平的TC下降,但TG下降更为显著(P<0.001)低水平的HDL—C也有所升高。而对照组三项脂质指标变化均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。组间对比.也无统计学意义。2、贴敷灸能使阳亢型HDL—C升高;具有极显著差异(P<0.01):TG下降也有显著性意义(P<0.05)。但对风痰、阴虚两型的各项脂质指标变化均无统计学意义。3、贴敷灸对临床疗效较好者.其TC与TG的下降及HDL—C的升高,都具有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01)。上述结果说明了贴敷灸对高血脂症患者具有显著的降脂效果,能改善机体不正常的痰浊病理状态,调节机体脂质代谢作用。同时,贴敷灸操作简便,节约施术者的守候时间,相对效果更佳,值得推广应用。 50 cases of sequela of apoplexy with hyperlipemia have been put under ob- servation.30 of them got moxibustion treatment with adhesive moxa cone,the others got chemical medicines. Patients in Moxibustion Group were diagnosed into TCM Syndromes.Acupoints G.B. 20,p.6.L.I,11.St.36.Sp,6,Liv.3,Ren.12,St.40,U.B,18,U.B.23,Liv.2,G.B.43 were taken as main points.Each point got 2 cones per day.Each course included 20 days. Patients in medicine group got Oryzanol,Shanzhajiangzhipian,etc. The results have been compared.The following conclusion has been seen. 1.Moxibustion treatment made high level TC declines,but the wane of TG was more ob- vious(P<0.001),Meanwhile low level HDL—C increased.The indexes of blood lipoid of the patients in medicine group did not show significant change. 2.Moxibustion treatment made obviously increasing of HDL—C to the patients of Syn- drome Over—active Yang(P<0.01)as well as the decline of TG(P<0.05),but no signifi- cance to patients of Syndrome wind—Sputum and of Syndrome Yin Deficiency. 3.The decline of TC and TG and increasing of HDL—C in patients who got moxibustion treatment and obtained good effect showed obvious difference before and after treatment(P< 0.05~0.01). These results suggest that moxibustion treatment adjusts metabolism of blood lipoid, corrects the morbid state of phlegm,and reduces the lipoid.Besides moxibustion treatment is a convenient method.It could be a popular therapy.
出处 《中国疗养医学》 1992年第2期39-43,共5页 Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
关键词 艾炷治疗 高血脂 穴位 胆固醇 三酸甘油脂 高密度脂蛋白 moxibustion treatment hyperlipemia acupoint TC TG HDL—C
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