A very critical relationship between mankind and water sphere called eco- environmental stage has been evolved in the densely populated eastern part of China.The water resource falls short of the demand and the natural assimilation capacity is lower than the pollution load created by human activities.Looking back on the rise and decline of sewage irrigation(SI) in Europe and the consequences of SI in Tianjin metropolis,especially its influence on the quality of water from Luanhe River—the unique water resource for Tianjin—the authors of this paper were convinced that any disperse disposal of urban wastewater,spreading collected sewage to the land such as SI,land treatment and so far as oxidation pond,which are opposite to the essential purpose of urban sewer system,will be harmful to the ecological balance and result in unfavorable effects to the water environment.However,on the eco-environmental stage,the disperse disposal may still be adopted as a polishing measure to the treated effluent but not a substitute for secondary wastewater treatment.
Water & Wastewater Engineering