The ThirdChina ArtFestivalThe Third China Art Festival,agathering of some 8,000 artists fromChina’s 56 nationalities,was heldfrom February 18 to March 3 thisyear in Kunming,Yunnan Province.Thirty-three of the 42 art troupesparticipating in the art festival werefrom different provinces,municipal-ities and autonomous regions onChina’s mainland.Others camefrom Hongkong and Taiwan,thefirst delegations to attend a nationalart festival,and from the Democrat-ic People’s Republic of Korea,Mex-ico,Laos,Vietnam,Myanmar,Japanand Thailand.Performances rangedfrom opera and symphony to dramaand folk singing and dancing.Allprovinces and regions were repre-sented as the various nationalitiesshowed off their unique cultures andcustoms.