An analysis of mutual interfering sources on RF systems using dual-band (Ka / X) radar is presented. The purpose of this paper is to improve operational performance of the system from the point of view of EMC design. The experimental dual-band antenna system have decreased the disturbing effects of most mutual interfering sources.
An analysis of mutual interfering sources on RF systems using dual-band (Ka / X) radar is presented. The purpose of this paper is to improve operational performance of the system from the point of view of EMC design. The experimental dual-band antenna system have decreased the disturbing effects of most mutual interfering sources.
DU Shimin, Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement, P.O.Box 3923-2, Beijing 100854, China WANG Baofa, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China WU Yi, No.2 Radio Instrument Factory of Beijing, Beijing, China