SHEN Congwen(1902-1988)was born in Fenghuang Coun-ty in western Hunan Prov-ince.His father was a military man,and at the age of 13 Shen himselfjoined one of the warlord armiesthat roamed much of China at thetime.He saw a lot of China whilewandering around the country withthis force—more than 20 countieshere and there across the borders ofHunan,Guizhou,Sichuan and Hu-bei provinces.As time went on,hecame to recognize that armed forceas used by the warlords who em-ployed him was incredibly destruc-tive,slaughtering the innocent anddestroying the fascinating folkloreand customs of the ordinary peoplearound him.By 1923 he had hadenough.He left the army and ranoff to Beijing,where he came underthe influence.of new ideas andbegan a course in