Given a run of an EN system, there can be more than one P/R nets corresponding to it.This paper introduces the concept of isomorphisms of P/R nets and proves the uniquenessof P/R net correspondence under isomorphisms. This paper also discusses the reverse problemof a P/R representation. To this end, the concept of well-structuredness is introduced andit is proved that the well-structuredness of a P/R net is both sufficient and necessary forthe existence of an EN system ∑ corresponding to this given P/R net R, such that R is anexact description of some run A of ∑. We prove also the uniqueness of the solution of thereverse problem in the following sense: there exists only one, if any, EN system for eachgiven P/R representation, if Bome appropriate conditions are fulfilled.
Given a run of an EN system, there can be more than one P/R nets corresponding to it.This paper introduces the concept of isomorphisms of P/R nets and proves the uniquenessof P/R net correspondence under isomorphisms. This paper also discusses the reverse problemof a P/R representation. To this end, the concept of well-structuredness is introduced andit is proved that the well-structuredness of a P/R net is both sufficient and necessary forthe existence of an EN system ∑ corresponding to this given P/R net R, such that R is anexact description of some run A of ∑. We prove also the uniqueness of the solution of thereverse problem in the following sense: there exists only one, if any, EN system for eachgiven P/R representation, if Bome appropriate conditions are fulfilled.