As a consequence of a previons study of algebraic differential geometry(see [WU1]) theremay be associated to certain special kinds of differential ideals some well-behaved basis enjoyingsome well-behaved properties.If the differential ideals are further specialized so that theycorrespond to ordinary polynomial ideals then such a well-behaved basis will become the usualGroebner basis of the polynomial ideals while the latter is not known for differential ideals.
As a consequence of a previons study of algebraic differential geometry(see [WU1]) theremay be associated to certain special kinds of differential ideals some well-behaved basis enjoyingsome well-behaved properties.If the differential ideals are further specialized so that theycorrespond to ordinary polynomial ideals then such a well-behaved basis will become the usualGroebner basis of the polynomial ideals while the latter is not known for differential ideals.
The present paper is partially supported by NSFC Grant JI85312