One of the basic assumptions for aeroelasticity in turbomachinery that the interbladephase angle along a blade row is constant has been proved to be invalid by the fact that nei-ther dynamic stresses nor interblade phase angles are constant along a blade row when thestall flutter occurs. With this assumption abandoned, a new model and the correspondingnumerical method have been developed. Comparisons between calculations and measurementsshowed that the main cause which makes blade dynamic stresses unequal along a blade rowin the unstable aeroelastic process is inequable interblade phase angle distribution along theblade row.
One of the basic assumptions for aeroelasticity in turbomachinery that the interbladephase angle along a blade row is constant has been proved to be invalid by the fact that nei-ther dynamic stresses nor interblade phase angles are constant along a blade row when thestall flutter occurs. With this assumption abandoned, a new model and the correspondingnumerical method have been developed. Comparisons between calculations and measurementsshowed that the main cause which makes blade dynamic stresses unequal along a blade rowin the unstable aeroelastic process is inequable interblade phase angle distribution along theblade row.