The experimental results of Czochralski silicon (CZ-Si) crystal growth in nitrogen at-mosphere are reported. The chemical reaction between silicon and nitrogen under reduced pres-sures is studied. Nitrogen gas flow under reduced pressure can eliminate the SiO smokes,and high yield of dislocation-free single crystals can be obtained. Silicon with low carbonconcentration grown by this method exhibits good electrical properties. Heat treatment be-haviours of the Si crystals have been studied. After tri-step intrinsic gettering heat treat-ment, ideal clean denuded zone is formed in Si-wafers.
The experimental results of Czochralski silicon (CZ-Si) crystal growth in nitrogen at-mosphere are reported. The chemical reaction between silicon and nitrogen under reduced pres-sures is studied. Nitrogen gas flow under reduced pressure can eliminate the SiO smokes,and high yield of dislocation-free single crystals can be obtained. Silicon with low carbonconcentration grown by this method exhibits good electrical properties. Heat treatment be-haviours of the Si crystals have been studied. After tri-step intrinsic gettering heat treat-ment, ideal clean denuded zone is formed in Si-wafers.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.