Starting from the similarity reductions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, we getthe generalized Boussinesq equation and the generalized KdV equation which possess somearbitrary functions as their variable coefficients. Using the singularity analysis methoddeveloped by J. Weiss and M. D. Kruskal et al. we have proved the sufficient conditionsof the integrabilities and Painleve properties of these two equations. Their Backlund trans-formations and the singularity manifold equations (generalized Schwartz-Boussinesq equationand Schwartz-KdV equation) are obtained. And then these two equations are linearized, i. e.their Lax pairs are given with the time-independent arbitrary spectral parameters includedexplicitly.
Starting from the similarity reductions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, we getthe generalized Boussinesq equation and the generalized KdV equation which possess somearbitrary functions as their variable coefficients. Using the singularity analysis methoddeveloped by J. Weiss and M. D. Kruskal et al. we have proved the sufficient conditionsof the integrabilities and Painleve properties of these two equations. Their Backlund trans-formations and the singularity manifold equations (generalized Schwartz-Boussinesq equationand Schwartz-KdV equation) are obtained. And then these two equations are linearized, i. e.their Lax pairs are given with the time-independent arbitrary spectral parameters includedexplicitly.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.