用辣根过氧化酶(HRP)法研究大白鼠屏状核的传入投射。在屏状核前1/3处注入HRP,以联大茴香胺法作成色反应,观察逆行标记细胞。结果如下: 1.大量标记细胞出现在丘脑腹侧核腹外侧部,小量标记细胞出现在丘脑腹侧核背内侧部和丘脑腹内侧核。 2.在大脑皮质(8区和8a区)第Ⅲ和第V层出现较多标记的锥体细胞。结果提示:屏状核主要接受来自丘脑感觉核的投射,及来自大脑皮质的投射。
The afferent projections of claustrum (cl) in rat were investigated with (0-D) HRP technique. HRP was injected into anterioly 1/3 of claustrum. Labeled cells were shown by O-Dianisdiine (O-D) staining method. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Most of the labeled cells appeared in the nucleus ventralis thalami (vl); a few, in the nucleus ventralis thalami, pars dorsomidialis (vd) and nucleus ventralis mediahs thalami (vm). 2. Some labeled cells appeared in layer Ⅲ and V of the cerebral cortex (area 8 and area 8a). The result suggests that the claustrum receives projections chiefly from the sensory nuclei of thalamus and partly from cerebral cortex.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College