Consider a stable AR model of two parameter spatial series {X<sub>t</sub>, t∈N<sup>2</sup>}, i. e. {X<sub>t</sub>t∈N<sup>2</sup>} is homogeneous and satisfies the following difference equationX<sub>t</sub>-sum from n=s∈【v,p] to a<sub>s</sub>X<sub>t-s</sub>=W<sub>t</sub> (t∈N<sup>2</sup>)where {W<sub>t</sub>, t∈N<sup>2</sup>} is a two parameter white noise and the notation【3, p] expresses the set of two dimentional lattice points {(k<sub>1</sub>, k<sub>2</sub>): 0≤k<sub>1</sub>≤p<sub>1</sub>, 0≤k<sub>2</sub>≤p<sub>2</sub> but (k<sub>1</sub>, k<sub>2</sub>)≠(0, 0)}, and furthermore the two-variable polynomial1-sum from n=(s<sub>1</sub>,s<sub>2</sub>)∈【0,p] a(s<sub>1</sub>,s<sub>2</sub>) Z<sub>1</sub><sup>k</sup><sub>1</sub>Z<sub>2</sub><sup>s</sup><sub>2</sub>≠0(|Z<sub>1</sub>|≤1,|Z<sub>2</sub>|≤1).In this paper, under frirly general conditions (it is required that {W<sub>t</sub>} Satisfies the conditions of two-parameter martingale difference, which is much weaker than supposing {W<sub>t</sub>} to be i. i. d.), the author obtains strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the Y-W (LS) estimate of the AR parameters {a<sub>s</sub>} whenever n<sub>1</sub>n<sub>2</sub>→∞, where n<sub>1</sub> and denote the horizontal and vertical sampling width respectively.
Consider a stable AR model of two parameter spatial series {X(t), t is-an-element-of N2}, 'i. e. {X(s), t is-an-element-of N2} homogeneous and satisfies the following difference equation [GRAPHICS] where [W(t), t is-an-element-of N2} is a two parameter white noise and the notation < 0, p] expresses the set of two dimentional lattice points {(k1, k2): 0 less-than-or-equal-to k1 less-than-or-equal-to p1, 0 less-than-or-equal-to k2 less-than-or-equal-to p2 but (k1, k2) not-equal (0, 0)], and furthermore the two-variable polynomial [GRAPHICS] In this paper, under frirly general conditions (it is required that {W(t)} satifies the conditions of two-parameter martingale difference, which is much weaker than supposing {W(t)} to be i. i. d.), the author obtains strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the Y-W (LS) estimate of the AR parameters {a(s)} whenever n1n2 --> infinity, where n1 and n2 denote the horizontal and vertical sampling width respectively.