After70-90% cold-rolling,strong{111}〈110〉and weak {111},〈112〉 cold-rolled tex- tures and perfect{111}〈112〉 recrystallization texture were obtained in Fe-Si single crys- tals.The cold-rolled textures with different orientations possesses different ability for recov- ery because of the difference of dislocation structure and store energy alter cold-rolling.The recovery taking place at{111}〈112〉orientation region was prior to that at{111}〈110〉 orientation region.hese subgrains with{111}〈112〉 orientation became recrvstallization nuclei during their growth at expending the surrounding matrix which was sluggish in recovery process.The development of recrystallization textures may be suggested as a process of “nucleation in-situ-selective growth”.The formation of(111)textures in low carbon steel sheets has been discussed in the light of this suggestion.
After70-90% cold-rolling,strong{111}〈110〉and weak {111},〈112〉 cold-rolled tex- tures and perfect{111}〈112〉 recrystallization texture were obtained in Fe-Si single crys- tals.The cold-rolled textures with different orientations possesses different ability for recov- ery because of the difference of dislocation structure and store energy alter cold-rolling.The recovery taking place at{111}〈112〉orientation region was prior to that at{111}〈110〉 orientation region.hese subgrains with{111}〈112〉 orientation became recrvstallization nuclei during their growth at expending the surrounding matrix which was sluggish in recovery process.The development of recrystallization textures may be suggested as a process of “nucleation in-situ-selective growth”.The formation of(111)textures in low carbon steel sheets has been discussed in the light of this suggestion.