

摘要 14 shallow snow / firn cores were taken by drilling with the PICO lightweight hand coring auger on Law Dome and Wilkes Land along a line approximately 111 °E longitude between 66°S and 74°S latitude. 5 of these cores, BJ, LJ24, GC30, GC40 and GC46, 20-30 m deep, are studied in detail in this paper. The densities of snow / firn were measured in a cold room at temperature between -18℃ and-14℃ by taking consecutive core samples and weighing the mass of each sample whose volume was known. The characteristics of the initial densification (till a density of 550 kg / m3) including the variation of snow / firn density with increasing depth, densification rate of snow / firn and the com-pactive viscosity coefficient of snow / firn are studied, and the factors affecting this initial densification process are discussed. From the obtained measurements, a relationship between compactive viscosity coefficient of snow / firn and mean annual temperature is found in case ρ=550 kg / m3 . For snow / firm on Wilkes Land, the relationship we found at a mean annual temperature below -25ccccccccccccccccc (i.e. no melting features are present in stratigraphy) is very similar to that found by Nishimura and others (1983) on Mizuho Plateau, Antarctica. 14 shallow snow / firn cores were taken by drilling with the PICO lightweight hand coring auger on Law Dome and Wilkes Land along a line approximately 111 °E longitude between 66°S and 74°S latitude. 5 of these cores, BJ, LJ24, GC30, GC40 and GC46, 20-30 m deep, are studied in detail in this paper. The densities of snow / firn were measured in a cold room at temperature between -18℃ and-14℃ by taking consecutive core samples and weighing the mass of each sample whose volume was known. The characteristics of the initial densification (till a density of 550 kg / m3) including the variation of snow / firn density with increasing depth, densification rate of snow / firn and the com-pactive viscosity coefficient of snow / firn are studied, and the factors affecting this initial densification process are discussed. From the obtained measurements, a relationship between compactive viscosity coefficient of snow / firn and mean annual temperature is found in case ρ=550 kg / m3 . For snow / firm on Wilkes Land, the relationship we found at a mean annual temperature below -25ccccccccccccccccc (i.e. no melting features are present in stratigraphy) is very similar to that found by Nishimura and others (1983) on Mizuho Plateau, Antarctica.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Polar Science》 1991年第1期1-9,共9页 极地研究(英文版)
关键词 Wilkes Land snowfirn densiflcation Wilkes Land snowfirn densiflcation
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