The widths of attached gingiva of all tooth in 300 individuals (aged 12-63 years) without clinical evidence of gingival inflammation were measured for this study. The measurement show that the widest zone on buccolabial aspect was in the incisor with a height of 9.5ram, the narrowest was in the first premolar. The width of lingual mandibular attached gingiva was increased from incisor to molar area. The width of attached gingiva did not relate to sex and age. There was no difference in width of attached gingiva between left and right tooth. Our result is about the same with those of most previous studies.
The widths of attached gingiva of all tooth in 300 individuals (aged 12-63 years) without clinical evidence of gingival inflammation were measured for this study. The measurement show that the widest zone on buccolabial aspect was in the incisor with a height of 9.5ram, the narrowest was in the first premolar. The width of lingual mandibular attached gingiva was increased from incisor to molar area. The width of attached gingiva did not relate to sex and age. There was no difference in width of attached gingiva between left and right tooth. Our result is about the same with those of most previous studies.