From March 1958 to December 1987, 105 patients with pathologically proven thymoma were treated. Thirty-nine patients had epithelial cell type, 44 lymphocytic predominant type and 22 mixed type. Among the invasive thyrno-mas, there were 28 (76%-28/37) epithelial cell type, 19 (45%-19/42) lymphocytic type and 10(46%-10/22) mixed type, (P<0 .025).The overal 5-year survival rate was 69% and 10-year survival rate was 62%. The presence of invasion was the most important prognostic factor. The 5-, 10- year survival rates of invasive and non-invasive thymomas were 55%, 38%, and 88%, 85%, respectively. (P<0.01) The other prognostic factors werej the presence of myasthenia gravis, invasion of pericardium and the thoroughness of surgical resection. It was also found that the epithelial cell type thymomas were more invasive, having more extra-or intra-thoracic metastasis, It carried a worse prognosis. The histologic subtypes were not relevant. The authors do not support the administration of post-operative irradiation for non-invasive thymomas after radical resection, Aggressive surgical resection supplemented by post-operative radiotherapy is recommended for invasive lesions. The authors believe that the radiation field should include the local tumor bed, but prophylactic treatment to the bilateral supraclavicular areas is not necessary.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology