6 建立系统的对抗模型在选择适当的效能量度后,可直接用它们去评估系统方案的优劣。但若想得到相对准确的量值,则必须建立一个“对抗”模型。用此模型描述一种假想的战斗,模拟和预期各种不同的TFCS在“战斗”条件下的主要效能。具体做法是:用少数变量和参数描述参战双方“一对一”
A logical, systematical and objective evaluation method is provied for the policy-makers to select the optimum design' from all candidates for tank fire control system, and a model for this purpose is established in this paper. The model is based on the cost-effectiveness analysis and the tank imitating combat. Useing the model, you can quantize cost-effectiveness of all candidate systems, evaluate them and compare one with others. Finally, you can make a practical compromise between the tank tactical performance and its economic feasibility. The paper puts stress on description of the basic idea and methd for modelling, and the use of corresponding programs.
Vehicle & Power Technology