Transient aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil are important for the safety of airplanes, the development of helicopter rotors and many other applications of unsteady aerodynamics. For a better understanding of these phenomena, it is necessary to investigate the simultaneous relation between the characteristics and the flow field. The purpose of the present study is to clarify experimentally the fundamentals of the aerodynamic behaviours associated with stepwise incidence variations from 0 to some certain values, including high angles of attack, of symmetric airfoils at low speeds, Reynolds number being of the order of 104. Temporal variations of surface pressure distribution, lift, drag and . pitching moment, and the observation of the flow field will be discussed.
Transient aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil are important for the safety of airplanes, the development of helicopter rotors and many other applications of unsteady aerodynamics. For a better understanding of these phenomena, it is necessary to investigate the simultaneous relation between the characteristics and the flow field. The purpose of the present study is to clarify experimentally the fundamentals of the aerodynamic behaviours associated with stepwise incidence variations from 0 to some certain values, including high angles of attack, of symmetric airfoils at low speeds, Reynolds number being of the order of 104. Temporal variations of surface pressure distribution, lift, drag and . pitching moment, and the observation of the flow field will be discussed.