Unsaturated radionuclide migration experiments were conducted in a pit inside the testing hall. Several types of radionuclides were used in the experiments . Tritium was used as a tracer for water movement in unsaturated loess . Other kinds of radionuclides were also used in order to obtain fundamental parameters for radionuclide migration so that further environmental assessment of low-level radioactive waste disposal can be carried out . Mechanisms governing unsaturated flow in loess , that is , principles of one-way lateral flow , are presented qualitatively in this paper . And a continuum one-dimensional model for radionuclide migration testing is developed based on the experiments conducted under the particular conditions at the test site . The data measured from the tests were compared with solutions of this one -dimensional model . Results show that this model is feasible for modeling radionuclide migration in unsaturated loess .
Unsaturated radionuclide migration experiments were conducted in a pit inside the testing hall. Several types of radionuclides were used in the experiments . Tritium was used as a tracer for water movement in unsaturated loess . Other kinds of radionuclides were also used in order to obtain fundamental parameters for radionuclide migration so that further environmental assessment of low-level radioactive waste disposal can be carried out . Mechanisms governing unsaturated flow in loess , that is , principles of one-way lateral flow , are presented qualitatively in this paper . And a continuum one-dimensional model for radionuclide migration testing is developed based on the experiments conducted under the particular conditions at the test site . The data measured from the tests were compared with solutions of this one -dimensional model . Results show that this model is feasible for modeling radionuclide migration in unsaturated loess .