The morphology and infraciliature of a marine ciliate Anphi/eptus litonotiformis nov. sp. inhabiting a shrimp farming pond in Sheyang (Jiangsu Province) are described. According to the infraciliature, habitat . and other morphological characters, it can not be congeneric with any other species of the genus . The special features of A. litonotiformis are the Litonotus-like body shape and the arrangement of its extrusomes regularly located along the margin of the cytostome. The most important characters of some related Amphileptus-species from marine water are biometrically tabled and discussed.
The morphology and infraciliature of a marine ciliate Anphi/eptus litonotiformis nov. sp. inhabiting a shrimp farming pond in Sheyang (Jiangsu Province) are described. According to the infraciliature, habitat . and other morphological characters, it can not be congeneric with any other species of the genus . The special features of A. litonotiformis are the Litonotus-like body shape and the arrangement of its extrusomes regularly located along the margin of the cytostome. The most important characters of some related Amphileptus-species from marine water are biometrically tabled and discussed.