Distribution of blood type ABO,Rh,MN,P inTibetan,Tu and Sala nationality in Qinghai were studied.The results sug- gested that r>q>p in ABO group of Tibetan and Tu nation ality,and r>p>q in Sala were found;one negative Rh case was found separately in Tibetan and Tu (0.74% and 0.66%),while no caes in Sala.There were more CCDee,CcDE to be exp- resed in the three nationality;M more than N is afirmative in MN group,but M is lower than that of south nationality;fre- quency pl is lower than that in Xinaang,and higher than in Guang Xi and Yung Nan.The distrbution of blood tupe ABO, Rh,MN,P in Tlbetan,Tu and it would be in Sala similar to Mongolian,Hui,and Han.It is interpreted that the blood relation- ship have been mixed together other nationality in the course which a nationality is forming,it cininsides with the study of na- tional history.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine