本文通过用重复呼吸法测定了青海省沱沱河地区(4 700米)18例健康人对低O_2的通气反应和47例健康人的高CO_2通气反应,发现高原人对低O_2和高CO_2通气反应均低于平原人;高原世居组对低O_2和一定浓度内高CO_2通气反应比移居组高。我们认为高原人低通气反应在某种意义上来讲是有益的。
The ventilatory responses of healthy men at Tuo-tuo river area (4 700m)to law concentration of O_2 and high concentra- tion of CO_2 were measured with a rebreathing method.The resalts showed that when breathing a gas mixture containing law concentration of O_2,the minute ventilatory volume(VE) in both the native Tibetans and the Han immigrants was lower than that in lowlanders with the same O_2 fraction of inspired gas (FiO_2).When VE was plotted against FiO_2,the slope of the curve in the natives was steeper than that in the immigrants (p<0.05).But.VE between the two groaps had no significant difference under the same FiO_2. The increase of VE caused by breathing CO_2 in certain concentration range in highlanders was relatively lower than that in lowlanders.As the CO_2fraction of inspired gas (FiCO_2)was 4.5-6.5%,the VE between the two highlander groups had signifi- cant difference(p<0.05),buf no statistical difference was found when FiCO_2 was higher than 7%.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine