

Snakes mating system and multi male pattern
摘要 蛇类的婚配制度和多父本格局是进化生态学的研究热点。蛇类同窝多父本现象的成因、同窝不同父权后代的适合度差异、多父本的进化适应意义是学术界普遍感兴趣且尚待解答的重要科学问题,但相关研究十分匮乏,迫切需要利用恰当的模型动物开展深入的研究,以便获得规律性的认识。本文综述了蛇类的婚配制度和多父本格局最新进展。 The mating system and pattern of multiple paternity in snakes have become a hot topic in the filed of evolutionary ecology. Factors likely affecting multiple paternity within a single clutch, differential fitness among offspring of the same clutch sired by different fathers, and adaptive significance of the evolution of multiple paternity have received considerable scientific attention over the past two decades, but are still far from well known due to the paucity of comparable data. This article reviews the latest progress in the mating system and pattern of multiple paternity in snakes.
出处 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 2013年第10期462-465,471,共5页 Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute
关键词 婚配制度 多父本 进展 snake mating system multiple paternity progress
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