ADO(ActiveX Data Objec)t数据访问接口是目前在Windows环境中比较流行的客户端数据库编程技术,使用更为简单,而又更加灵活的对象模型。通过ADO,应用程序可以方便地存取、查询、操作数据库中的数据。在VB环境下,可使用ADO作为数据访问接口满足各种信息查询的要求。
In present,as ADO(ActiveX Data Object) data access interface is esier and more flexible modle,it is relatively popular processing technique on client database in the Windows environment.Through ADO,appliactions are able to easily restore,inquire and operate the database.This paper explains how to use ADO as the data access interface to meet the requirements of various information inquiries in the VB environment.
Agriculture Network Information