思想政治宣传活动作为一种为统治阶级服务的思想传播性活动具有鲜明的阶级性和导向性。思想政治宣传过程中宣传者与受动者的相互运行状况和效果是一关键性环节 ,因此分析二者在思想政治活动中存在的矛盾及其根源 ,并有效地进行调节尤其重要。这种调节方式不仅包括自动调节 。
Ideological and political propaganda which is used to spread thoughts for the ruling class has a distinct class character and guiding function. In the process of ideological and political propaganda, the mutual operation state and the effect between senders and receivers is really a key link, so it is important to analyze roots of the conflicts between them and meanwhile, to carry on automatic and social regulation effectively.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College