Low-cost INS/GPS integration system is usually used to improve the surveying accuracy of multi-beam bathymetric system in open sea in order to reduce the wave-caused ship deformation error of multi-beam bathymetric system in vertical depth and planimetric position. In this paper, the INS errors of multi-beam bathymetric system are analyzed, and the error factors of multi-beam bathymetric system are discussed based on the relation to sounding coordinate system. The main errors affecting the measuring accuracy are considered in combination with the characteristics of INS. The accelerometer bias and installation error are analyzed, and the relation model between error sources and the accuracies of multi-beam bathymetric system for the correspondence is built. The simulation results demonstrate the effect of the main INS errors on the accuracy of bathymetric survey. It is concluded that the error of surveying depth caused by accelerometer bias of 2×10-4g is no more than 0.23%.
Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology