
顾客特征对顾客公民行为与企业声誉关系的影响研究 被引量:3

The Moderating Effect of Customer Characters on the Relationship between Customer Citizenship Behaviors and Corporation Reputation
摘要 正确测量顾客公民行为是研究顾客特征对顾客公民行为与企业声誉关系影响的前提和基础。文章在探查汽车销售行业中的顾客公民类型构成的基础上,对顾客的个人特征对顾客公民与企业声誉之间关系的影响进行了分析和实证研究。结果表明:在汽车销售行业中顾客公民行为主要包括5种类型,即依次是关系展示、顾客沟通、活动参与、改进建议和顾客责任;顾客公民行为对企业声誉具有正向的促进作用;不同特征的顾客,其顾客公民行为对企业声誉的作用也不同,随着顾客学历和年龄的增加,顾客公民行为对企业声誉作用逐渐降低。 It is a base for us to study the types of customer citizenship behaviors(CCBs)before we explore the moderating effect of customer characters on the relationship between CCBs and corporation reputation.This paper finds the types of CCBs in automobile retailing industry.Results indicate that the CCBs include positive communication,customer participant,customer responsibility,suggestions and relationship showing in automobile retail industry.This paper also finds that customer characters moderate the relationship between customer citizenship behaviors and corporation reputation.With the increasing of age and education,the effect of CCBs on corporation reputation would reduce.
出处 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第4期60-65,共6页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目:"消费者感知面子的形成机理及其对购买意向的影响研究"(70902031)
关键词 顾客公民行为 顾客特征 企业声誉 customer citizenship behaviors customer characters corporation reputation
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