文章试图通过具体文本来分析陀思妥耶夫斯基小说中的悲剧美学探源,通过详 细论证,得出结论:陀思妥耶夫斯基意识深处尤为浓厚的民族情感——悲怆、带有分裂特征 的宗教观和人性观是造成他独特的悲剧美学品格的最主要的三个因素。
This thesis tries to analyse the sources of tragic aesthetics in Dostoevsky's novels on the base of the concrete texts. After detailed analysis, a conclusion can be drawn that the strong national emotions in Dostoevsky's mind -sorrow, the outlook on the religion and human nature with the split characteristics - were the main factors that caused his unique quality and style of tragic aesthetics.
Journal of Zhangjiakou Teachers College