
坚持共产主义理想性与现实性的科学统一——兼论中国特色社会主义的实现路径与未来走向 被引量:6

Adherence to the scientific unification of the ideality and reality of communism——concurrently on the path and future trend of socialism with Chinese characteristics
摘要 在马克思主义经典作家的理论视域中,坚守共产主义的理想性与现实性处于动态的张力格局之中,马克思从"两个必然"到"两个决不"的思想跃迁,深刻彰显了上述科学统一性。而如何科学处理二者关系,直接影响了20世纪国际共产主义运动的实践走向,也形塑了共产主义在中国的发展路径与具体命运。毛泽东在此问题上,既做出了新民主主义时期的科学协调处置,也犯下了晚年走向理想主义误区的严重错误。以邓小平为代表的中国共产党人坚持从社会主义初级阶段的基本国情出发,重设了共产主义理想性与现实性互动的张力格局,在坚守共产主义理想性的同时,又将其置于中国特色社会主义具体实践之中加以推进。然而,现阶段由于主客观原因的多重交织,在某种程度上出现了共产主义理想信念动摇与缺失问题,因而必须理直气壮地高举共产主义的远大理想,坚持中国特色社会主义的社会主义理论谱系定位,坚守中国特色社会主义的共产主义必然归宿,这对于中国特色社会主义事业的健康持续发展、对于增强广大党员干部在各种复杂条件下应对考验的能力、对于实现中华民族的伟大复兴具有重要意义。 In the theoretical perspectives of Marxism classical writers,sticking to the ideality and reality of communism lies in a dynamic tension.Marx's ideological transition from 'two inevitable' to 'two never' highlights its scientific unification.How to scientifically deal with the relationship had directly influenced the direction of the practice of the 20th century international communist movement,and had shaped the path and specific fate of communism in China.As to this issue,Mao Zedong not only made a scientific disposal in the New Democracy Era,but committed a serious error of idealism in his later years.Chinese communists represented by Deng Xiaoping,starting from the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism,reset the interactive tension of the ideality and reality of communism.While adhering to the idealism of communism,they push it forward in the concrete practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.At this stage,however,the interwoven objective and subjective reasons has led to the problem of the indecisiveness and missing of communist beliefs.Therefore,we should hold high the great ideals of communism,stick to the positioning of socialist theory with Chinese characteristics,and adhere to the inevitable destination of communism with Chinese characteristics.These are of great significance for the healthy development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,for enhancing the ability of massive party members in the test of various complex conditions,and for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 尚庆飞
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期7-13,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 共产主义 理想性 现实性 中国特色社会主义 communism ideality reality socialism with Chinese characteristics
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