950384 Observation of the effectiveness of heparintherapy in patients with chronic idiopathic thrombocy-topenic purpura.SHEN Zhixiang(沈志祥),et al.RuijinHosp,Shanghai 2nd Med Univ,Shanghai,200025.ChinJ Hematol 1995:16(4)196-197.Fourteen cases (5 males and 9 females,mean age 47years) of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(CITP) were treated with0 low dose of heparin.The ill-ness courses of patients were 6 months to 20 years(mean 6.3years).and all of them were resistant to theconventional corticoth,rapy and other immunosuop-pressive drugs.Heparin was given subcutaneously in
Surgical Research and New Technique