939152 Determination of urine red blood cellvolume and their distribution curve for identify-ing the source of hematuria by automatic bloodcell counter.LI Shinqiang(李诗强),GUO Duis-han(郭兑山).2nd Affili Hosp,China Med U-niv.Chin J Nephrol 1992;8(4):196-198.The paper introduces the determination of urinered blood cells’ volume and their distributioncurve by automatic blood cell counter.Havingobserved the degrees of deformation in shape ofred cells in 106 cases,we found that when theurine red cells’ volume was≤60 fl and theirdistribution curve showed asymmetry,theywere glomerular hematuria,and when it was 】61 f1 and showed symmetry or mixed.
Surgical Research and New Technique