930201 A study of the comparison betweenhysteric-like episode cansed by Chinese Qigong(deep meditation)and hysteria with psychoso-cial stress.SHAN Huaihai(单怀海),et al.Shanghai Ment Health Center,200030.Chin JNerv & Ment Dis 1992;18(3):156—158.Twenty-two cases of hysteric-like episodecaused by Chinese Qi Gong were analyzed andcompared with the control group(hysteia withpsychosocial stress).The results showed that inthe study group,BPRS was 47.909±6.934(mean±SD),specific delusional idea 72.6%and specific behavioral disorders 73.3%,andthe averaged age at onset was higher than thatin the control group.There were some giffer-ences on hysteric character,family history,
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