930226 Cloning and characterization of thegenome of human papilloma virus type 16 inChina.ZHANG Wei (张伟),et al.Cancer In-stit,CAMS,Beijing,100021.Natl Med J Chin1993;73(4):229—231.The cloning and characterization of a wholegenome of human papillomavirus type 16 (7.9kb) and a 5.4kb subgenomic fragment werestudied.They were cloned after insertion inplasmid pAt153,using its unique BamH1 site.The full—length genome and subgenomic frag-ment were designated HPV16Z and HPV16F re-spectively.After analysis by 16 endonucleases,no new restriction site was found in HPV16Z incomparison with the standard strain.A newBamH1 site was observed at the 750 bp
Surgical Research and New Technique