930321 Prognostic facters for surgical treat-ment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma.ZHOUNingxin (周宁新),et al.Dept Hepatobili Surg,General Hosp,PLA,Beijing,100853.NatlMed J Chin 1993;73(4):232-234.Forty—five patients with hilar choiangiocar-cinoma were operated on at our department.The tumor was resected in 29 patients (64%).There were no operative deaths and the survivalrate was 41% and 21% at 12 and 24 months re-spectively.In patients with no tumor resectionthe 60—day mortality rate was 37.5% and noneof them survival for 12 monthrs.Significant dif-ference waa noted in survival rates of the pa-tients with radical resection,those with resec-
Surgical Research and New Technique