950323 CT in predicting the efficacy of oralcholelitholysis with bile acids.FU Xianbo (傅贤波),et al.Dept Surg,3rd Teach Hosp,BeijingMed Univ,Beijing,100083.Natl Med J China1993;73(2):81—83.The efficacy of oral cholelitholytic therapywith chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and ur-sodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in 137 patients withgallstones was compared with their CT pat-terns.The best dissolving results were obtainedfrom patients with the stones in isodense andfaint category (【50Hu) on CT.All the stoneswith high density or heterogeneous calcificationon CT were insoluble.Therefore,they were con-traindicated for oral cholelitholytie therapy.Ac-cording to the abovr,criteria,the rates for disso-lution ranged from 27.7%(38/137).to 66.7%(38/57),and those for complete dissolutionranged from 9.49%(13/137) to 40.7%(11/
Surgical Research and New Technique