930568 The production and significance of IL4in patients with idiopathic nephroctic syndrome.YAO Zhi(姚智),et al.Dept Immunol,BeijingMed Univ,Beijing,100083,Natl Med J China1993;73(5):261—263.Samples of serum and PBMC were collected atthe same time from 42 pediatric patients with id-iopathic nephrotic syndrome(INS)and 28 age—matched healthy individuals.The level os IgE inserum was detected and IL4 in supernatant ofPHA-activated PBMC assayed by sandwichELISA.The levels of IL4 and IgE in healthy in-dividuals were 400~500 pg/ml and 50~100 U/ml respectively,and those of IL and IgE in theINS patients were on the average 1080~4000Pg/ml and 380~1000 U/ml.Positive correla-
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