
柯南·道尔侦探小说里的社会伦理镜像 被引量:3

The Mirror of Social Ethics in Conan Doyle's Detective Novels
摘要 柯南·道尔的福尔摩斯侦探小说系列自19世纪末问世,迄今风靡全球,并成为世界侦探小说史上的经典之作。本论文运用当代西方理论的多重视角。从福尔摩斯小说的类别分析入手,以法律与正义的表述为主线,探究福尔摩斯世界对于当时道德价值和社会心态的折射及其作者的主体意识在叙事建构中的能动作用。论文指出,柯南·道尔在福尔摩斯侦探故事中建立了一个对秩序认同但又超越现实的小说空间。在福尔摩斯侦探小说中,正义必胜的叙事预设既是小说对维多利亚时期乐观的社会心态的反映;也是小说对作者主体意识的表现——即对现实局限的敏感。福尔摩斯侦探小说的魅力在于它通过法律与正义的张力表现了人们内心的梦幻。福尔摩斯侦探小说的成功使得侦探/犯罪小说作为一种处理社会张力和冲突的乌托邦叙事而得以确立。 Ever since its first publication at the end of 19th century,the Sherlock Holmes series written by Conan Doyle have been enjoying enormous popularity and have grown into the world classic of detective novels.By employing the contemporary western theoretical perspectives,and categorizing the stories with the tensions between law and justice as the main thread,this paper examines the representation of the social ethics and the author's subjectivity as reflected in the stories' narrative construction.It finds out that in Sherlock Homes series Conan Doyle builds up a narrative world which maintains the rules of the outside but also manages to surpass them at the same time.In the world of Sherlock Homes,the predominant narrative of triumph of social justice both demonstrates the optimistic mentality of the Victorians and the author's conscience as well.The beauty of Sherlock Homes lies in the fact that it expresses out a social dream that can only be transferred in the story narrative where law and justice are at a constant contention.The Sherlock Homes stories have laid a firm foundation for the genre of detective novels to develop into a utopian narrative that provides an imaginary way of dealing with the harsh reality of the society.
作者 卫景宜
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 CSSCI 2008年第2期50-67,共18页 English and American Literary Studies
关键词 侦探小说 柯南·道尔 正义必胜 对现实局限的敏感乌托邦叙事 detective novels Conan Doyle triumph of justice sensibility to the social reality utopian narrative
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