
欧债危机的中长期战略观察——未来五年中欧关系与欧盟一体化进程前瞻 被引量:3

TheMedium-andLong-Term Strategic Observation on the European Debt Crisis——Prospects for the China-EU Relations and the EU Integration Process over the Next Five Years
摘要 欧债危机既是经济危机,也是社会政治危机,不仅对欧洲经济构成严重威胁,而且对欧洲一向引以自豪的社会政治稳定也构成挑战;欧债危机在一定程度上削弱了欧洲的政治自信和国际地位,并对欧盟一体化建设及中欧经贸关系都产生了不容忽视的影响。未来欧洲一体化建设中,双速欧洲或多速欧洲的特点将更加显著。面对欧债危机可能持续的长期性和复杂性,中国仍需要着眼长远,继续谨慎思考应对策略。 The European debt crisis is an economic crisis as well as a social-political crisis. It not only poses a serious threat to the European economy, but also challenges the social and political stability Europe has long been proud of. This debt crisis, to some extent, has weakened Europe's political confidence and international status, and has had considerable influences on the European integration process and the China-EU economic and trade relations. In the future European integration process, the possibility of a two-speed Europe or a multi-speed Europe will be stronger. In face of the protracted and complex European debt crisis, China still needs to focus on long-term development and continue to carefully think about how to respond.
作者 房乐宪
出处 《学术前沿》 2013年第13期84-94,共11页 Frontiers
关键词 欧债危机 欧洲一体化 中欧关系 European debt crisis, European integration, China-EU relations
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