
拉美发展史上的“哥德巴赫猜想”——智利的现代化经验及借鉴意义 被引量:8

The Goldbach's Conjecture in the History of the Development of Latin America——Chile's Modernization Experience and Its Significance to Other Countries
摘要 2012年,智利被世界银行列为"高收入经济与合作发展组织成员国",在拉美国家中率先进入发达国家行列。智利近20多年来一直强调政治、经济和社会三方面的转型。政府积极推进民主化进程,坚持市场经济改革的基本方向,并不断提高民众的社会福利水平。智利的现代化道路选择了一条自由主义与干预主义相结合的"中间道路",它的成功与它长期的民主传统以及独特的历史遗产有着重要的联系。智利现代化经验对其他发展中国家也同样具有重要借鉴意义。 In 2012, Chile was ranked by World Bank as a 'high-income OECD member state' and took the lead in becoming a developed country in Latin America. In the recent 20 years, Chile has been attaching great importance to political, economic and social transformation. The Chilean government actively pushed forward the process of democratization, kept reforms oriented toward a market economy and constantly improved the social welfare of people. Chile chose a 'middle way' that combines liberalism and interventionism for its modernization. Its success has an important link to its long tradition of democracy and unique historical heritage. Chile's modernization experience is of great value to other developing countries.
作者 韩琦
出处 《学术前沿》 2013年第22期13-25,共13页 Frontiers
关键词 智利 现代化经验 中间道路 历史遗产 Chile modernization experience middle way historical heritage
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