

Design of replaceable module plug-and-play interface based on FPGA
摘要 航天器在轨运行过程中由于某种原因,某些部件可能出现故障,通过在轨服务将出现故障的模块进行替换可以使航天器迅速恢复正常运行,实现在轨模块更换则要求被服务航天器采用模块化设计,而即插即用接口设计正是航天器模块化设计的关键。分析了几种常见的航天器总线特点,结合模块化设计需求,提出一种FPGA嵌入式即插即用应用传感器接口模块设计方法;采用可扩展标记语言XML编写描述接口模块的电子数据表单xTEDS,实现星载计算机对新模块的识别,完成星上资源的重新配置,从而为航天器地面快速集成装配和在轨模块更换维修创造良好的条件。 Due to a variety of reasons,some parts of on-orbit spacecraft may fails through on-orbit server methods,such as replacing the faulty module,service spacecraft in the orbital module replacement requires modular design,and plug-and-play interface design is the key to design of the modular spacecraft.Several common characteristics of the spacecraft bus were analyzed,combined with a modular design needs.A method of designing FPGA embedded plug-and-play sensor interface module was proposed.Using extensible markup language(XML) to descript the electronic data interface module from xTEDS,which is used to describe the interface module,on-satellite computer will complete the identification of a new module to implement the reconfiguration of satellite resources.It creates good conditions for the rapid integration of the assembly on the ground and on-orbit module replacement maintenance.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期456-460,共5页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
关键词 块化 接口转换 电子数据表单 嵌入式系统 modular interface converter electronic date sheet embedded systems
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