
抗滑桩加固含软弱夹层边坡三维弹塑性数值分析 被引量:13

3D elastoplastic stability analysis of slopes with weak interlayers reinforced by piles based on FEM
摘要 强度折减法经常用于边坡稳定分析中,利用商业化有限元软件分别对抗滑桩加固均质边坡和含软弱夹层边坡情况进行三维强度折减弹塑性有限元数值分析。通过计算分析得到:对于加抗滑桩的均质边坡,当桩径相同时,边坡稳定性随桩距的增大而减小,且随桩刚度的减小而减小;桩后土压力值随桩距的增大而增大;相同情况下,强度折减法的边坡安全系数比极限分析法的大。对于加抗滑桩的含软弱夹层边坡,当桩距较小时,滑动面从坡脚向坡顶发展,当桩距较大时,滑动面基本沿软弱夹层开展。 In view of the strength reduction method used for slope stability analysis frequently,the stability of the homogeneous slope and the slope with weak interlayer,which are reinforced by piles,is analyzed by means of the commercially available finite element analysis software.It shows that for the homogeneous slope,when the diameter of pile is regular,the safety of factor decreases while the pile spacing increases and the pile stiffness decreases.The soil pressure increases along the depth of the pile.In the same situation,the factor of safety obtained by the strength reduction method is larger than that obtained by the limit analysis.For the slope with weak interlayer,the sliding surface develops from the foot of the slope to the top while the pile spacing is small.However,the sliding surface develops along the weak interlayer basically while pile spacing is large.
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期216-221,共6页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 西部交通建设科技项目(200831822357) 国家自然科学基金项目(51108215)
关键词 强度折减法 抗滑桩 边坡稳定 安全系数 软弱夹层 strength reduction method anti-slide pile slope stability factor of safety weak interlayer
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