
安妮·塞克斯顿诗歌经典的生成与建构 被引量:2

The Canonization of Anne Sexton's Poems
摘要 安妮·塞克斯顿是美国自白派诗歌的代表人物。从"城郊主妇"到"自白派母亲",其个人身份的转型意义非凡,她的作品呈现为家庭生活和病理学意义上的女性书写,而她创作的四个阶段则成就了其诗歌经典性和独特的诗学观。与此同时,诗人作品的经典化过程,契合"个人化叙事"的全面复兴、惠特曼诗歌精神的回归及女权运动与女性主义批评的介入,使她的诗学地位在社会语境中得以巩固,最终形成其作品的经典性建构。 Anne Sexton plays a major role in American confessional poetry.Her transformation from a 'suburban housewife' to the 'mother of confessional poetry' was so significant that her works were considered as a kind of woman writing on households and psychopathology.The four periods of her writing accomplished her classic poems and specific poetics.Meanwhile,the canonization of her poems was conformed to the revival of 'personal narrative',the return of Whitman's poetic spirit as well as the feminist movement and the criticism of feminism.All of these consolidated her status in that social context,and finally led her works to a classic construction.
作者 张逸旻
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期127-131,159,共6页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 2012年浙江省社科联研究课题"安妮.塞克斯顿自白诗歌研究"(2012N092)阶段性成果
关键词 安妮·塞克斯顿 自白派 经典化 经典性 Anne Sexton confessional poetry canonization classic
  • 相关文献


  • 1Cassie Premo Steele.We Heal From Memory:Sexton, Lorde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness. . 2000
  • 2Diane Wood Middlebrook,Yalom. Marilyn.Coming to Light:American Women Poets in the Twentieth Century. . 1985
  • 3Caroline King Barnard Hall.Anne Sexton. . 1989
  • 4Anne Sexton.The Complete Poems. . 1981
  • 5Diana Hume George.Oedipus Anne:The Poetry of Anne Sexton. . 1987
  • 6Linda Wagner-Martin.Critical Essays on Anne Sexton. . 1989
  • 7Kathleen Spivack.With Robert Lowell and His Circle:Sylvia Plath,Anne Sexton,Elizabeth Bishop,Stanley Kunitz and Others. . 2012
  • 8Dawn M.Skorczewski.An Accident of Hope:The Therapy Tape of Anne Sexton. . 2012
  • 9McClatchy,J. D. Anne Sexton, the Artist and Her Critics . 1978
  • 10Kathleen Spivack."Poet and Friends". Anne Sexton:Telling the Tale . 1988


  • 1穆杨.Anne Sexton“灰姑娘”中的消费社会[J].山东外语教学,2006,27(5):17-21. 被引量:5
  • 2汪民安.《福柯的界限》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2002.
  • 3陈榕:《凝视》,载赵一凡《西方文论关键词》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006年,第349页.
  • 4孙萌.《凝视》,陶东风主编.《文化研究》(第五辑),南宁.广西师范大学出版社,2005年,第297页.
  • 5Anne Sexton, The Complete Poems, New York. Mariner Books, 1999, pp. 224,226,226,256,227, 227,258,77,16,111,111,111 - 112,112,15,258, 228-229,181-182,182.
  • 6[法]露丝·伊利格瑞.《话语的权力与女性的从属》,汪民安等主编.《后现代性的哲学话语》,杭州.浙江人民出版社,2001年,第233页.
  • 7Gabriele Schwab, The Mirror and the Killer- Queen . Otherness in Literary Language, Bloom- ington. Indiana University Press, 1996, p. IX, X.
  • 8Geoff Danaher,Tony Schirato and Jen Webb, Understanding Foucault, London. SAGE Publica- tions, 2000, p. 54.
  • 9Helene Cixous,translated by Keith Cohen,Paula Cohen,"The Laugh of the Medusa", Chicago Journals ,Vol. 1 ,No. 4(1976) ,p. 878.
  • 10Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish . The Birth of the Prison, Trans. Alan Sheridan, New York..Vintage,1995,p. 113.201.










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