目的探讨超声波洁治术结合牙得安牙粉治疗牙龈出血的临床疗效。方法选取单纯性牙龈炎患者144名随机分为两组,A组采用超声波洁治术结合术后牙得安牙粉抛光,嘱患者继续用牙得安牙粉刷牙一周;B组采用超声波洁治术后普通牙膏抛光,嘱患者继续用日常所用牙膏刷牙,比较两组术后半小时、一天后、一周后的龈沟出血指数(SBI)和两组的不同疗效。结果 A组﹙牙得安牙粉组﹚治疗后SBI指数明显下降,B组﹙普通牙膏组﹚治疗后半小时SBI指数小幅上升后逐渐回落。结论超声波洁治术后结合使用牙得安牙粉有效减少牙龈出血,值得临床推广。
Objective To investigate the scaling to combine a tooth Anne tooth powder treatment the gum bleed of clinical treatment effect .Methods Select randomly by examinations 144 sufferers with simple gingivitis are divided into two sets of ,A set adoption the scaling to combine the YA-DR-AN tooth powder polish ,tell the sufferers continues to use YA-DR-AN tooth powder brush teeth for a week ;B set adoption the scaling to combine the common toothpaste to polish ,tell the sufferers continues to use everyday the toothpaste used brush teeth ,after half an hour ,a day ,the gums ditch after a week bleed index number(SBI) and two sets of different curative effect .Results The SBI index number obviously descends after the A set (YA-DR-AN tooth powder set) treatment ,after the B set(common toothpaste set ) treatment half an hour SBI index number small ascension behind drop gradually .Conclusion The scaling combines to use the YA-DR-AN tooth powder effectively reduce gum issue of blood ,worth clinical expansion .
Global Traditional Chinese Medicine
The scaling
YA-DR-AN tooth powder
Gingival bleeding