

Status Quo of Business Human Resources and Development Strategies for Chinese Business Education
摘要 新世纪的前十年,随着我国经济总量的快速发展,商业得到了较大发展,但商业人力资本发展水平同美国等发达国家相比还有很大的差距,大专及以上文化程度从业人员所占比例较低;未来十年,我国商业从业人员中高中文化程度人员自然减员加净增将需要补充约1 700万人,大专及以上文化程度人员自然减员加净增将需要补充1 500万人以上,而同期我国商科中职与普通高校商科人才培养规模及质量无法满足未来十年商业发展的需求。对此,课题组建议,适度扩大各级商科教育培养规模,提升从业人员受教育程度和整体素质;适应商业模式变化和商业企业多样化、多规格的人才需求,鼓励设置一批懂得特定行业产品知识的商品学专业,开发工贸结合的课程体系,培养复合型人才;鼓励学校和行业、企业合作培养大量职业型、应用型、技能型人才,加强校企合作,依托行业企业,提高学生的实务能力和技能。 In the first decade of the new century,China's commerce developed quickly in step with her rapid economic development.But as far as the development level of human capital is concerned,there is a great gap compared with developed countries such as the U.S.The proportion of human capital with the qualification of the three-year college education or above is relatively low.In the next decade,China's business world will need an extra of 17 million practitioners with high school education and an extra of more than15 million people with the three-year college education or above.At the same time,the educational scale and quality of Chinese business schools,colleges and universities are unable to meet the needs of the business development in the next 10 years.Based on the above,what we suggest is(1)to moderately expand the scale of business education and training at all levels and to improve the educational level and the overall competency of the future business practitioners;(2)to adapt to the changes in business models and the demand of business diversification and specifications;(3)to encourage running new courses in commodity science including professional knowledge of specific commodity and industry;(4)to develop curriculum systems which combine manufacturing and trade and to train students to become inter-disciplinary talents;and(5)to enhance cooperation between schools, enterprises and the industries so as to train a large number of business professionals with applied skills and to improve the students' practical abilities and skills by relying on university-enterprise cooperation.
出处 《上海商学院学报》 2013年第6期25-32,共8页 Business Economic Review
基金 上海市教育科学研究院胡瑞文研究员主持的国家自然科学基金重点项目"新型国民教育体系构建与公平教育实现机制研究"(项目编号:NSFC70833004)成果之一
关键词 商业 人力资源 商科教育 business human resource Chinese business education
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