With the rapid development of communication businesses as well as the improvement of customer service standard , the com-munications companies increasingly use a variety of GIS advanced technology .Currently GIS application scope has covered almost all areas of the communications industry such as corporate management decisions , network planning analysis , network resource manage-ment , business operations analysis and front -line marketing .But before the enterprise GIS application solutions are provided the con-struction time and development techniques of all kinds of GIS applications are extremely unbalanced , leading to a series of problems such as the map data of different GIS applications is inconsistent , many map application functions are duplicated to be constructed , and the business data storage is dispersive in a corporate .In this case , the article proposes an enterprise GIS application solution ori-ented the communications industry , aiming to build enterprise -class GIS application platform and eventually to achieve the standardi-zation of GIS services , effectively integrate all kinds of information to play a greater role for all chains in the enterprise .
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
enterprise GIS application
communications industry
standardization of GIS services