
水平受荷刚性承台群桩位移内力简化分析方法 被引量:3

A Simplified Analysis Method for Displacement and Internal Force of Lateral Loaded Pile Groups with Rigid Cap
摘要 提出了一种水平受荷刚性承台群桩力学简化分析方法。首先,将水平向受荷单桩视作弹性地基梁,假设桩土之间保持弹性接触不发生分离,建立水平受荷桩的位移控制方程。其次,对于水平受群桩,采用Mindlin解计算土体水平位移传递系数,认为群桩中基桩的水平位移和弯矩由两部分引起:①桩顶分配的主动水平荷载;②桩-桩水平向相互影响。再次,对于非均质地基,采用有限差分法计算群桩水平力学反应特征。本文方法与已有文献单桩、群桩在均质、非均质地基的算例进行了对比,总体上取得了较好的一致性。 A simplified method is presented for analysis on lateral loaded pile groups with rigid cap. Firstly,the lateral loaded single pile is treated as elastic beam and the pile-soils interaction is assumed to keep elastic contact.The displacement governing equation for the pile is founded. Secondly,the Mindlin method is used to calculate the soil displacement transfer factor for lateral pile groups. The lateral displacement and internal force of single pile in pile groups are assumed to be induced by two parts,one is active lateral force on pile cap,the other is pile-pile interaction effect. Finally,the finite difference method is used to analyze the lateral pile groups in non-homogeneous soils. The validity of the proposed approach is verified through comparisons with some published solutions for single piles and pile groups in homogeneous and non-homogeneous soils. Good agreement is obtained in general.
作者 李早
出处 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S2期1895-1904,共10页 Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
关键词 WINKLER地基模型 水平受荷群桩 桩-桩相互影响 MINDLIN解 群桩效率 Winkler model lateral loaded pile groups pile-pile interaction Mindlin method pile group efficiency
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