
基于动态情景网关的系统协同访问控制模型 被引量:3

Dynamic situation gateway based system cooperation access gatel model
摘要 为适应网构环境下应用系统主客体间访问集中控制的需要,提出了一种基于动态情景网关的系统协同访问控制模型DSGAC。首先,给出了网构应用系统中访问的动态情景要素构成,从多视角定义了情景要素;其次,提供动态情景状态机的概念,并给出了动态情景机约束下的系统协同访问网关模型DSGAC,支持情景状态演算、规则演算;最后,实际案例应用验证表明DSGAC模型在应用系统的应用可行性,并归纳了其与现有访问控制模型的相对创新性。 In order to adapt the centralized access control between the application system subject and object in the environment of network configurations, a dynamic situation based system cooperation access gatel model — DSGAC was proposed. To begin with, the constitution of dynamic situational factors of access controls in the application systems of network configurations was analyzed, defining the factor of situation from muti-perspective. Furthermore, the concept of dynamic situational finite state machine was provided and a system cooperation access gatel model supporting calculations and rules of the situation was presented under the constraint of dynamic situations. Finally, the real case application shows the feasibility and validation of the DSGAC model between the application systems. Additionally, the relative innovativeness between DSGAC model and existing access control models was summerized.
作者 郭树行 张禹
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期142-147,共6页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61103198 61100112 60970143) 教育部科学技术重点项目基金(109016) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(11YJCZH006) 中央财经大学学科建设基金资助项目(CUFEIE201107)~~
关键词 情景网关 系统协同 访问控制 情景演算 状态机 situation gatel system cooperation access control situation calculation finite state machine
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