目的 探讨扶正解毒中药对高氡暴露大鼠的防护作用.方法 18只SD大鼠按随机数字表法分为3组.将12只SD大鼠放人氡浓度为40 000 Bq/m3氡室环境中,随机分为氡暴露组和扶正解毒中药组,每组6只,每只大鼠暴露总时间为1890 h,即120工作水平月(WLM),剂量率为0.056 WLM/h;另取6只SD大鼠为对照组,在本底氡浓度小于50 Bq/m3的室温环境中喂养.以酶联免疫( ELISA)法检测各组大鼠血清肿瘤标志物癌胚抗原(CEA)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)、细胞角蛋白19片段( CYFRA21-1)浓度和p53抗体水平;以甲基化特异性PCR(MSP)法检测各组大鼠支气管肺灌洗液(BALF)细胞中p16基因的甲基化率.结果 氡暴露组大鼠血清CEA、NSE浓度分别为(396.62±148.74)和(9.09±0.90) μg/L,显著高于对照组的(12.35±4.43)、(1.47±0.15) μg/L(t =2.583、2.463,P<0.05);扶正解毒中药组CEA、NSE浓度分别为(70.89±44.71)和(4.31±1.37) μg/L,均显著低于氡暴露组,差异有统计学意义(t=2.921、2.526,P<0.05);氡暴露组大鼠血清CYFRA21-1水平和p53抗体浓度与对照组和防护剂组比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.713、1.963,P>0.05);氡暴露组大鼠BALF细胞中出现p16基因甲基化,甲基化率为16.67%,而对照组和扶正解毒中药组没有出现pl6基因甲基化.结论 扶正解毒中药能显著降低高氡暴露大鼠CEA、NSE水平和p16基因甲基化率,有较理想的氡辐射防护作用.
Objective To investigate the protective effects of FUZHENGJIEDU,a kind of Chinese herb on rats exposed to radon and it's daughter.Methods Twelve male SD rats were exposed with concentration of 40 000 Bq/m3 radon and the exposed dose was 120 work level month (120 WLM),and then all the rats were randomly divided into 2 groups.One group was 120 WLM group (positive control,n=6 ),the other group was FUZHENGJIEDU treatment group (120 WLM exposed rats were given FUZHENGJIEDU 5.0 g every day,n =6),meanwhile 6 rats which lived in the normal environment ( the concentration of radon and it's daughter was lower than 50 Bq/m3 ) as control group.The levels of tumor markers induding carcinoembryonic antigen ( CEA),neuron-specific enolase (NSE),CYFRA21-1 and p53 antibody were tested by ELISA.The rate of p16 gene methylation was measured by methylation-specific PCR (MSP).Results The levels of CEA and NSE in 120 WLM group were (396.62 ± 148.74) and (9.09 ±0.90) μg/L,respectively,significantly higher than those of control group (t =2.583,2.463,P < 0.05).The levels of CEA and NSE in treatment group were (70.89 ±44.71) and (4.31 ±1.37) μg/L,respectively,remarkably lower than those of 120 WLM group (t =2.921,2.526,P <0.05 ).The concentrations of CYFRA21-1 and p53 antibody were not significantly different among the three groups (t =1.713,1.963,P > 0.05 ).The rate of p16 gene methylation in BALF cells in 120 WLM group was 16.67%,but in control group and treatment group did not arise p16 gene methylation in BALF cells.Conclusions FUZHENGJIDU would decrease the levels of CEA and NSE and the rate of p16 gene methylation,and could exert it's protective effect on rats exposed to high concentration of radon.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection